926 E. McDowell Road
Suite 134
Phoenix, Arizona 85006
(602) 288-0777
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  • Suicide Prevention is Everyone’s Business

    By CPOG Team on September 3, 2018
    Statistics According to the National Center for Health Statistics most recent data available: Nation 44, 965 in 2016 9/day Rates highest in white males but seen in all racial/ethnic groups 10th ranking cause of death in U.S.— 2nd for young Average of 1 person every 11.7 minutes killed themselves Average of 1 older adult every 1 hour and 4 minutes […]
  • Nutrition Myths vs Facts

    By CPOG Team on August 21, 2018
    Nutrition Myth vs Fact Myth #1: All fat is bad for you Fats are a needed nutrient for good health Different fats have different health dangers and benefits Monounsaturated (trans) fats are can cause significant problems and should be avoided new research has shown that eliminating saturated fat from the diet actually may not lessen the risk for heart disease […]
  • Are Your “Healthy” Choices Problematic?

    By CPOG Team on August 20, 2018
    The following are good indicators that your eating habits are actually harmful. 1. Most of your food is processed. Beware the labels “low fat, low carb, gluten free, healthy labels are no guarantee that what is inside is a good choice. Choose whole foods as much as you can. When you have to choose something in a box or a […]
  • Bad Moods May Help You Do Better

    By CPOG Team on July 21, 2018
    Facts The range of human emotions includes many more negative than positive feelings. fear, anger, shame, disgust, Negative feelings can be helpful because they help us recognize, avoid and overcome threatening or dangerous situations. Can a Bad Mood be Good? (This does not apply to clinical depression) Bad moods are Normal and common Can be a useful and adaptive part […]
  • Colorectal Cancer

    By CPOG Team on July 8, 2018
    Colon or colorectal cancer, is defined as cancer that starts in the large intestine or the rectum (the end of the colon). Most colorectal cancers start as a growth on the inner lining of the colon or rectum. These growths are called polyps. The Problem Colorectal cancer is currently the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the U.S. Colon cancer incidence in 2017 97,220 new […]
  • Teen Dating Violence Prevention

    By CPOG Team on June 2, 2018
    Teen dating violence is any physical, sexual, psychological or emotional abuse in a dating relationship between teenagers or young adults. 1 in 10 teens say a boyfriend or girlfriend intentionally hit or physically harmed them at least one time in the past year. Among high school students who dated, 21% of females and 10% of males experienced physical and/ or […]
  • Options and Choices in Fertility in 2018

    By Dr Sharon Thompson on May 7, 2018
    Having children, like everything else in the culture, is affected by social trends.  Today’s moms are more educated than ever before; a majority are in the labor force and many serve as the only or primary income earner for their families. Some major social changes include: More women are staying single. The percentage of women who have never married was 15% […]
  • Thyroid: The Mystery Gland

    By CPOG Team on April 23, 2018
    Thyroid Problems are very Common Nearly 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid disease. Thyroid disease can impact men and women, at any age. Women are 5-8 times more likely to have thyroid problems. 10-12% of women will develop thyroid disease. Overactive thyroid—hyperthyroidism. Under-active thyroid—hypothyroidism. Graves’ disease, or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Thyroid Gland Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in […]
  • Thyroid Disease: Common and Treatable

    By Dr Sharon Thompson on April 22, 2018
        The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, just above your collarbone that produces hormones to control the rate of many activities in your body.  Some of these activities include how fast you burn calories; your body weight, heartbeat, body temperature and menstrual bleeding. Thyroid problems are common. Nearly 20 million Americans have some form of thyroid […]
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    By CPOG Team on March 26, 2018
    April is IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) Awareness Month. Difficult to talk about, so IBS is under-diagnosed. IBS affects nearly 25% of adults. $1.6 billion in health-related spending each year in the US. IBS is not life-threatening but can cause significant pain and distress. No test to definitively diagnose IBS. More common in women than men. Used to be called, colitis, […]

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