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Suite 134
Phoenix, Arizona 85006
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New Year, Improve You(r Mental Health)

New Year, Improve You(r Mental Health)

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions–promises to lose weight, exercise more or save more money.  Unfortunately  most of these resolutions don’t make it past January.  The new year is a good reminder  that you can make a fresh start.  This year,  instead of making goals that sound great but that are unlikely to happen,  consider some simple steps that can help you feel better and be better every day.  Keep reading below for 10 tips to make this year different. 

Start with your mental health

Add a mental health workout to your day

    • Incorporate a mindfulness daily to help you refocus on the present
    • Meditate on a regular basis—a session can be as short as one minute 
    • Change your self talk by adding affirmations
    • Start a relationship with a trained therapist

Do something outside

Walk, run or sit.  Sunshine and fresh air are stimulating and good for us

Add a movement routine

–Walk 15 minutes away from home or work and walk back

–Dance along to a YouTube video

–Standing is better than sitting, moving is better than standing


Try to incorporate vegetables in every meal

(sorry corn and potatoes are not vegetables)

You may not like Brussel sprouts, try leeks.  No to carrots, how about watercress

Start with one vegetable every day and work your way up to one vegetable with every meal (yes breakfast too.)

Start a daily gratitude practice

–Start or end each day with a brief gratitude meditation

–Write down something you’re grateful for in a journal

Ask for, and accept, help.

Going it alone is not a virtue. It is stressful and lonely and a lot of work

  • Is your partner doing all he/she could be in your household
  • Could you use a financial advisor to help you budget and plan 
  • Talk to your licensed health care provider about your changing body
  • Consider help from a trained therapist or mental health professional

–Take a break from the news

–Use the internet for directions only (not for self-diagnosis)

–Stop obsessing about your weight—throw away your scale

–Leave guilt and shame in 2021

–Be kind to others and yourself

New Year, Improve You(r Mental Health)

New Year, Improve You(r Mental Health)

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions–promises to lose weight, exercise more or save more money.  Unfortunately  most of these resolutions don’t make it past January.  The new year is a good reminder  that you can make a fresh start.  This year,  instead of making goals that sound great but that are unlikely to happen,  consider some simple steps that can help you feel better and be better every day.  Keep reading below for 10 tips to make this year different. 

Start with your mental health

    • Incorporate a mindfulness daily to help you refocus on the present
    • Meditate on a regular basis—a session can be as short as one minute 
    • Change your self talk by adding affirmations
    • Start a relationship with a trained therapist

Do something outside

Walk, run or sit.  Sunshine and fresh air are stimulating and good for us

Add a movement routine

Walk 15 minutes away from home or work and walk back

–Dance along to a YouTube video

Standing is better than sitting, moving is better than standing

Try to incorporate vegetables in every meal

(sorry corn and potatoes are not vegetables)

You may not like Brussel sprouts, try leeks.  No to carrots, how about watercress

Start with one vegetable every day and work your way up to one vegetable with every meal (yes breakfast too.)

Start a daily gratitude practice

–Start or end each day with a brief gratitude meditation

–Write down something you’re grateful for in a journal

Ask for, and accept, help. Going it alone is not a virtue. It is stressful and lonely and a lot of work

Is your partner doing all he/she could be in your household

Could you use a financial advisor to help you budget and plan 

Talk to your licensed health care provider about your changing body

Seek out a trained therapist or mental health professional

–Take a break from the news

–Use the internet for directions only (not for self-diagnosis)

–Stop obsessing about your weight—throw away your scale

–Leave guilt and shame in 2021

–Be kind to others and yourself

Copyright 2025 | Central Phoenix Obstetrics & Gynecology