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Suite 134
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  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    By CPOG Team on March 26, 2018
    April is IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) Awareness Month. Difficult to talk about, so IBS is under-diagnosed. IBS affects nearly 25% of adults. $1.6 billion in health-related spending each year in the US. IBS is not life-threatening but can cause significant pain and distress. No test to definitively diagnose IBS. More common in women than men. Used to be called, colitis, […]
  • Intermittent Fasting–hurt or help?

    By admin on February 4, 2018
    “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day” “Skipping breakfast will slow your metabolism by one third for the entire day” Chances are you’ve been told at least one of these statements—usually with some finger wagging. Both are myths. Fasting, abstaining from food and/or drink for a specific period, has been around for centuries. Recently scientific studies have shown […]
  • Antibiotics: What you need to Know

    By CPOG Team on November 27, 2017
    Antibiotic resistance is a big and growing problem. The main driving factors behind antibiotic resistance are the overuse and misuse of antibiotics. Antibiotics ONLY treat bacterial infections. Most winter colds and sinus infections are caused by viruses, which antibiotics DO NOT treat. Read the Chart! to know which common illnesses are usually viral or bacterial and when antibiotics are necessary. […]
  • The Keto Diet

    By CPOG Team on August 24, 2017
    Should you try a diet or change your food choices? Dr. Thompson’s algorithm for whether you need to work on weight loss Are you free from health problems? (Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, chronic pain etc.) Can you do what you want/need to with your body? (Physical activities, playing with kids, work duties, get pregnant etc.) Can you […]
  • The Real Deal on Vitamins

    By CPOG Team on August 10, 2017
    Read the following article on the Real Deal on Vitamins. https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/health/natural-health/vitamins-are-just-exxy-pee-the-7-vitamins-myths-were-guilty-of-believing/news-story/c29adec08cf300d6e4f0fd66bee7769c  
  • Is Overfat the New Obesity?

    By CPOG Team on August 7, 2017
    Obesity and overweight are increasing in the US and the world. About 68.8% of US adults are overweight or obese; about 1/3 men and women. Worldwide obesity has doubled since 1980; 1.9 billion adults over the age of 18 are overweight or obese. Health effects of overweight and obesity Raised BMI is a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as: […]
  • The Holiday ( Eating ) Season

    By Dr Sharon Thompson on November 12, 2013
    While astronomically, summer starts around June 21st, culturally Memorial day marks the official start of the summer season while Labor day marks its official end.  The holiday season is in desperate need of similar cultural anchors. Or maybe it’s just me.  The holiday creep is wearing me out–Christmas related products in Costco before Halloween almost did me in this year. […]

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